Ravencharm's Resident Breeders
Here is the information on the lines I am currently working with, while establishing these lines I will likely have a large variety of other types available as well. My rats are first and foremost pets and are important members of my family. I am currently working on establishing some new lines. My main focus for all lines are healthy, friendly animals that make amazing pets.
Black-Eyed Siamese and Burmese
My goal is to create a bloodline of Black-Eyed Russian Blue Point Siamese and Russian Blue Burmese, with dumbo ears and satin coats.
There is no current standard for Black-Eyed Russian Blue Point Siamese. Based on the descriptions for B.E. Siamese and Russian Blue Point Siamese the following standard is what I will be using:
Black-Eyed Russian Blue Point Siamese: Body color to be ivory with a deep gray cast (the darker the better) gradually and evenly shaded over the saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at the base of the tail. The points (nose, ears, feet, tail, and tail-root) to be a dark gray-blue. They should not have a definite or distinct line of demarcation but rather a toning or merging with the remainder of the coat. There should be no white hairs, blotches, streaks, or mealiness of the color. Eyes black.
Russian Blue Burmese: To be a warm, mid-grey with blue tones, devoid of dinginess, silvering, or patches, with distinctly darker points of the same shade. Faint light speckling or a subtle ticked effect (heathering) is usual for this variety and is not a fault. Eyes black or very dark ruby.
Satin: The ideal coat has a unique and distinct appearance with its lustrous sheen. The coat is thinner and longer looking. The hair should be fine to the touch. The coat has a sparkling look on some colors; white on the animals will have a yellow cast. Whiskers on Satin rats are normally kinky/wavy/curled.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
I am currently working on establishing Russian Blue as much of the rats are standard seal point/Burmese. I have satin carried with some of the rats so working on bringing that out.
My first challenge will be to darken the points and improve shading. The next challenge will be improving conformation and keep removing any white toes.
So far the health of this line is excellent. I did have some girls who appeared to be sterile but it may have been environmental and related to the home we were in. I brought in females from other ratteries just to be safe.
Russian Blue Blaze Variegated Down Under
My goal is to create a bloodline of Russian Blue Blaze Variegated Down Unders, with dumbo ears, black eyes and Bristle coat.
Russian Blue: Color to be similar to the blue mice or blue cats, a very dark slate blue color with dark ticking throughout. Eyes black.
Blaze: Blazed rats may be shown only in Berkshire or Variegated classes in any recognized color. A wedge shaped blaze of white should run from muzzle to ears including the whisker beds, tapering to a fine point at the ears. Other markings as for respective pattern.
Variegated: Variegated rats to be shown in any recognized color and are similar to Hooded rats but instead of a spine marking, will have patches and flecks of color on the back side. The head and shoulders to be solid like those of a Hooded rat with a white spot/star on the forehead which should be centrally placed, round or oval in shape, and no bigger than the rat's eye. The variegation (patches and flecks of color) to evenly cover the rest of the white body from the shoulders to the tail including the sides and tail. Underside (including belly, chest, and throat) to be white, devoid of creamy tinge or staining.
Down Under: Down Under rats may be shown in any recognized color and markings. Belly spots are to be numerous and evenly distributed.
Bristle: Bristle Coated rats to be shown in any recognized color or marking. The coat has a distinct and unique feel consistent with a wire brush--very coarse textured and stiff with a crunchy feel similar to a wire haired terrier. The coat will be lightly curled/waved as very young kittens similar to Rex. It then straightens out as adults to having a stand-off, harsh, rough-looking, messy coat. These are not to be mistaken with a rough Standard coat or poor Rex coat. The whiskers will be straight to curled on the ends (similar to Satins) which is different than the curled Rex whiskers.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Currently I have produced variegated that carry Russian blue, recessive blaze and dumbo, with some that express it.
The main challenge is getting rats that are showing all the desired characteristics: dumbo, Russian blue, recessive blaze, down under and variegated. Right now I am in the process of bringing all these genetics together. I have had good luck so far with the adding the bristle coat and down under markings, but seem to keep losing the Russian blue and recessive blaze. Also working on improving variegation (right now the spots are very focused on the spine, I'll need to use Berkshires from variegated lines to help develop better distributed spots).
Beige Hairless
My goal is to create a bloodline of beige hairless with dumbo ears.
Beige: Color is a warm grayish-tan, not too dark. Eye color is dark ruby.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Hairless:Hairless rats should have a thin, bright, rather translucent skin, free of scars or pimples, and be as hairless as possible. The skin may be of any color or recognized marking, and wrinkling should not be penalized. The eyes may be of any color, but should be bright and free from any problems. The ears should be very large and wrinkle free. The whiskers may be very short or missing; they are usually curly.
Progress, Challenges and Health
I have obtained foundation hairless from another breeder, though no pedigree was kept they do breed for improved health and temperaments
My first challenge will be to mix the hairless foundation rats with rats from my variegated line to add the good health and temperaments I already work with. Then will cross breed until I have hairless. I also need to add the dumbo ears into the line.
Right now I am very closely monitoring this line and watch for any health issues. Based on my experience with the breeder of the hairless foundation rats and the already well established health of my variegated line I am expecting to see healthy and friendly rats but will be extra diligent in selections.
Cinnamon Harley
My goal is to create a bloodline of self Cinnamon dumbo rats with Harley coats.
Cinnamon: Color is similar to agouti, except the color is a warm russet brown, with medium slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with chocolate. Belly color to be as agouti, but of a lighter shade. Eye color black.
Harley: Has a sparse, fine, wispy coat with no undercoat.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing
feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form
an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
I am just starting to establish this line using some rats the popped up in my other lines and some newly obtained from other ratteries. My first goal will to be produce cinnamon Harley rats, right now the harley and cinnamon are in seperate lines so it will take time to combine them. Then I will need to bring out dumbo ears and breed for self. As with anytime I combine lines I will be closely monitoring health and temprament to ensure all is well.
Mink Essex
My goal is to create a bloodline of Mink Essex Dumbos.
Mink: To be an even mid gray-brown devoid of dinginess, silvering or patches, and having a distinct bluish sheen. Foot color to match top color. Eyes black.
Essex: To be recognized in any standard color, remembering that the effect of the gene responsible is to lighten the top color. The darkest area is along the spine, becoming less intense down the sides of the animal. The gradual fading of color continues onto the belly which is off white, with no spotting of darker color. When viewed from above, the fading effect should be symmetrical, having no clear demarcation. The fading effect also to be seen on the legs so that the feet are also off white. There should be no obvious patches of contrasting color. Pied tails not to be penalized. A head spot is essential; this must be well defined, centrally placed on the forehead and symmetrical.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Right now the majority of my mink are standard eared, carrying dumbo, so my first goal is to bring out the dumbo ears. The markings are mostly lightly marked variegated so will need to work towards more color.
Spotted Tabby (Marble)
My goal is to create a bloodline of Dumbo Spotted Tabby with rex coats.
Spotted Tabby: Color is gray with black markings/pattern which consists of a dorsal stripe and spots on the sides and face (most spots run together as adult). Not to be confused with Merle. Other colors possible. The color of the dorsal stripe/spots is the base color, i.e. a Black Spotted Tabby has black stripe/spots and the gene dilutes the body color making a gray background.
Rex: The coat to be evenly dense and not excessively harsh, with as few guard hairs as possible. Coat to be evenly curled and also to a lesser extent on the belly. Curly vibrissae (whiskers) are normal for Rex.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
I just obtained my Spotted Tabby rats from another rattery so will be working on crossing them with black rex to produce the rex coats. Ears are dumbo already. Will also be working on removing the white so they will be a uniform marble color. Line needs to be monitored for issues with teeth (malocclusion).
Agouti Burmese (Wheaten Burmese)
My goal is to create a bloodline of Agouti Burmese dumbos.
Agouti Burmese: Body color to be a warm brown, not too dark or too red, similar to Cinnamon, with a light gray-brown at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with medium brown guard hairs. Belly color to be light silvery brown. Points to be distinctly darker than body color with shading at the base of the tail. Eyes black.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
I recently brought in my Agouti Burmese from another rattery. At this time I will be keeping this line seperate from my other Siamese/Burmese. The line is already dumbo and has rex at the moment (not sure if I will be maintaining the rex or not at this time).
Blue Whiteside (Banded)
My goal is to create a bloodline of Blue Banded Dumbo rats. This is not currently a standard with AFRMA so I'm using the RSA standard.
Blue: Color is a slate blue, as dark as possible showing no brown patches or silvering. Eye color is dark ruby or black.
Banded (RSA Standard): The banded rat shall have as symmetrical of markings as possible. The chest, belly, sides and all legs should be completely white. Color will not extend under the jaw line (white chin). The band of color continues from the pigmented area of the head onto the shoulders, the back and part of the hips, being of even width at all points. The band width will be approximately 2 inches wide on rats of standard stature. Generally speaking, the band should be as wide as the head is. Demarcation between white belly and top color shall be as even and clean cut as possible. A white tail tip to extent no farther than 1/4th its length. Legs and feet white. The color shall conform to a recognized color. Blazes permissible and will conform to the blazed standards and be shown in blazed classes.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.
Black Dalmatian
My goal is to create a bloodline of Black Dalmatian Dumbos.
Black: Color is a good solid black throughout, showing no rustiness or white hairs. Eye color is black.
Dalmatian: Dalmatian rats may be shown in any recognized color. Markings will be similar to the Variegated mice with color splashes/spots on a white background, and free from any solid clear-cut markings. The splashes should be numerous and ragged in outline, but approximately equal in size, and well distributed over the entire body.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.
Black Roan
My goal is to create a bloodline of Black Blaze Berkshire Roan Dumbos.
Roan: Roan rats to be shown in any recognized color and come in Berkshire, Blaze Berkshire, or striped markings. Berkshire and Blaze Berkshire to conform to existing standards. Striped roan to have the body a pure clean white (devoid of creamy tinge or staining) and free from spots or brindling, with a colored stripe extending in an unbroken line from the head to the tail, be of moderate width, and be free of ragged edges or brindling. Striped Roans will also have a white blaze on the face to conform to existing standards. The color should be confined to the head and back only, not appearing on the underside (throat, chest, belly) or sides. Roan is to be judged on evenness and symmetry of Roaning, not amount of Roaning, as older animals will have more white hairs. White hairs shall be evenly distributed throughout the coat, though a darker center line down the spine is acceptable but not desired. Roan not to be confused with silvered animals. Eye color to match base color, though a ruby cast is common (to be accepted, but not desired). Clearly distinct from existing varieties, Roans are born a solid color. During the first molt, juvenile animals start to exhibit roaning. This is a steady increase in the amount of white hairs intermingling with the solid color, starting with the sides, face, and tail root, then working up to the nape of the neck and back. With each individual molt, the rat becomes progressively lighter, the final effect not fully complete until well into adulthood, at which point the animal is almost completely white.
Blaze: Blazed rats may be shown only in Berkshire or Variegated classes in any recognized color. A wedge shaped blaze of white should run from muzzle to ears including the whisker beds, tapering to a fine point at the ears. Other markings as for respective pattern.
Berkshire: Berkshire rats may be shown in any recognized color. The top color is to be judged as to the recognized color. Distinctive markings are the colored top with a completely white belly and white feet and tail, with a small white spot between the ears. There should be an even line between the top and bottom color. The white markings should be a pure clean white.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.
Agouti D'argent (Silvermane)
My goal is to create a bloodline of Agouti D'argent Dumbos.
Agouti: The color to be a rich chestnut with dark slate at the base of the hair. Coat is evenly ticked with black guard hairs. Belly color will be silver gray. Eye color is black.
D'argent: These rats are similar to Roan in that they will get more white as they age; however, rather than having silvered and non-silvered hairs, their coat will have the tips that look white. White tips disappear when wet just showing the dark undercoat. Has a facial mask (darker muzzle and eye area; mask shows up at 3-4 weeks of age, sometimes not until 12 weeks). Babies start out solid then gets the silvering (leaving a mask) that increases with age until the tips are all white. Color, mask, and development like the D'argent rabbits.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.
Siamese Sable (Tonkinese)
My goal is to create a bloodline of Siamese Sable Dumbo.
Siamese Sable: Body color to be a light brown similar to the Burmese gradually and evenly shaded over saddle and hindquarters towards the belly, being darkest at base of tail. Tail color to extend down the length of the tail. Belly color to be light brown. The points (nose, ears, feet, tail, and tail-root), which are a very dark brown, are as for the Seal Point Siamese. Eye color is light ruby.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.
Marten (Red-eyed Devil)
My goal is to create a bloodline of non-pointed black Marten.
Marten: [Black] Body Colour to be similar in shade to an HB lead pencil, some fading to be expected in an adult. Some light heathering to be expected. Fur on the face to be lighter on the whisker bed, over the eyes and behind the ears. Belly colour a slightly paler shade of grey than the top. Foot colour to match top. Eyes pink.
Dumbo ears: Dumbo rats to be shown in any recognized color, marking, or variety. The distinguishing feature being their low ear set. The ears are large and round, set low on the sides of the head. Head to form an equilateral triangle when viewed from above.
Progress, Challenges and Health
Line is in early foundation stages from newly acquired rats.